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  3. Break-Jump
  4. B-MAX 22 Break Jump Carbon NW

B-MAX 22 Break Jump Carbon NW

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UNITED - B-MAX Carbon Break Jump Cue

The newest cue development for the best controlled power for impact and jump shots.

THE new all-rounder in terms of break and jump for billiards.
Never has a powerful controlled breakshot more effective, and the B-MAX also makes jumping easier, whether with a full cue or the slightly shorter jump version.

  • Carbon Airwave shaft 12.5 or 13,2mm 
  • Samsara Control Tip
  • 3/8x10 Pin (Special Insert)
  • NO Wrap
  • Quick Loc Jump
  • Basis weight 19,5oz.
  • 29inch / 147cm / shaft 30inch

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