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  4. Fachbücher


Hier finden Sie eine umfangreiche Auswahl an Fachbüchern zum Thema Billard Training und Übungen in gedruckter und e-Book Form.

BTC- Beginner eBook
19,90EUR / Stück
incl. 19% VAT incl. shipping costs (to DE)
International Delivery begin 5 days +International Delivery begin 5 days + **
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BTC- CueBallSpeed eBook
19,90EUR / Stück
incl. 19% VAT incl. shipping costs (to DE)
International Delivery begin 5 days +International Delivery begin 5 days + **
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BTC- 1 Lesson eBook
19,00EUR / Stück
incl. 19% VAT incl. shipping costs (to DE)
International Delivery begin 5 days +International Delivery begin 5 days + **
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BTC- PreShotRoutine eBook
incl. 19% VAT incl. shipping costs (to DE)
International Delivery begin 5 days +International Delivery begin 5 days + **
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Monk - I Came To Win e-Book
9,65EUR / Stück
incl. 19% VAT incl. shipping costs (to DE)
International Delivery begin 5 days +International Delivery begin 5 days + **
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Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)