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  5. Monk - My students from hell (e-Book)

Monk - My students from hell (e-Book)

Lieferzeit: Standard ab 2 TageLieferzeit: Standard ab 2 Tage **
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This program will take you through the steps that will give you the freedom to deliver a one hundred per cent stroke to each shot. Here you will evolve into the finest player in your area as you gain your freedom from the chains that bind you.

Monk - My students from hell (e-Book)

"I have been working on this book for well over a year. This new project is very exciting because I know it will help you with your game. "My Students From HELL" reads like a novel. This book is filled with valuable information that will enable you to break through to the next level" said Miller offering some of the new book's highlights:
· Identify where you are in this game.
· Learn the fine art of training.
· Master techniques that will increase your concentration.
· Utilize a program in this book that sells for $400.00!
· Learn The Monk 101 Four Points to Power.

This program will take you through the steps that will give you the freedom to deliver a one hundred per cent stroke to each shot. Here you will evolve into the finest player in your area as you gain your freedom from the chains that bind you. Once you give up faulty precepts, you will be able to deliver that one hundred per cent stroke on every single shot. At this level you will realize true champions are not identified by their titles and you will cease to be ruled by your ego. This is the level where master recognizes master. They form lifetime bonds instantly. At the master level, you become a part of the family. You will come to realize you are also not your losses. At that point your performance is based on a free spirit. This freedom enhances the quality of your performance therefore, you'll find yourself winning more often. Those who reach this level are truly free from the ruling forces of the senses and can live life to the fullest. You won't know the true meaning of your life until you connect to that which gave you meaning. To discover this, simply go into the quiet zone and wait. Those who wait will emerge with power and abilities far exceeding all expectations as freedom takes you to the land of dead stroke.
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Place your order now, and receive this new book by The Monk for just this price. He does not plan to offer this price again, and it is a limited time offer.

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