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  4. Monk - Point the Way e-Book

Monk - Point the Way e-Book

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Point The Way also emphasizes the importance of a sound set of basics on a strong foundation. It presents you with a variety of shot layouts and drills and provides a real understanding of pool's inner game. Point The Way also includes a hefty "Practice and Training" section in which The Monk "shows the shots that win games". Master these shots and you'll make the top ten."

Monk - Point the Way e-Book

Grady is probably right. There are now over 100,000 copies of this book that have been sold since it was written by The Monk.

Point The Way also emphasizes the importance of a sound set of basics on a strong foundation. It presents you with a variety of shot layouts and drills and provides a real understanding of pool's inner game. Point The Way also includes a hefty "Practice and Training" section in which The Monk "shows the shots that win games". Master these shots and you'll make the top ten."

The shots depicted here will help you overcome issues with speed and position play.
Point The Way meets every pool player at every level
Learn how to let the shot shoot itself
Master the four points of concentration necessary to win.
Understand the three benefits of team play.
Discover which of the four kinds of pool player you are and how to capitalize on it.
Learn to play zone position.
Learn the fundamentals of pocket billiards.

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