Online - Optionen
Die für den Online Bereich gefragten Möglichkeiten hier sind die Punkte:
- Werbebanner
- Sonderberichte zu Produkten und Leistungen
- PR für Sonderverkäufe von Aktionsware
Monatliche Bannerlinks zu ihren Webseiten - Monthly Banner Ad Rates Website
Im Rahmen eines Bannerprogramms mit verschiedenen Laufzeiten bieten wir folgende Optionen und Konditionen
Ad size / Laufzeiten: 1month 3month 6month 12month Rates
Entire website / Startseite und alle weiteren: Banner starts at 100.00 by month)
Small Banner 150x200pix
Logo Only 150x50pix
Terms and Conditions / Bedingungen und Konditionen:
Payment: First time advertisers are required to pay in advance. New advertisers must establish credit before terms are granted.
We accept bank wire or PayPal payments.
Discounts: Advertisers committing to multiple issues receive a special discount (see table on enquiry).
Ad Design: Ads can be designed by our in house graphic designer at a discounted rate of 60 per hour with a 1 hour minimum.
Changes can be made to your ad at any time prior to deadline.
Artwork Submissions:
Submit all ads in JPEG, GIF, PNG or PDF formats. All files should be compressed for e-mail submissions.
Small files (up to 5 MB) may be e-mailed Please contact us for larger files by mail.
If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours, your ad has not been received, please call.