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  4. Cuetec Cynergy Breach Break Queue Ghost Edition

Cuetec Cynergy Breach Break Queue Ghost Edition

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Cuetec Cynergy Breach Break Queue Ghost Edition



Bringe dein Spiel auf die nächste Stufe mit dem gleichen Cue wie der fünfmalige US Open Champion Shane Van Boening.
Default TipToam 2.0
Cue TypeBreak Cue
Shaft TypeCuetec Cynergy
Joint Type3/8 x 14 Thread
Shaft Diameter12.75mm
Shaft Length29 Inch
Shaft TaperPro Taper
Joint CollarStainless
Cue WrapNo Wrap
Wood TypeMaple - Hard

5,0 aus 2 Bewertungen

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Thomas handled this purchase properly, took a bit of time but everything worked oit well. I tried this break cue in my club, and man was it effortless to spread the balls. With 9 ball, I can now break softer and control the cue ball because the spread is not a concern, 10 ball i can start getting the 1 ball away from bottom rail because I get more power into the rack now, 8 ball hardly any cluster after the break. It's a superb investment !

I bought this cue because SvB won the world championship this year, it took me a month of waiting due to stock shortage but everything was handled properly. I have complete trust in Thomas now. Thank you !
