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  4. Ricco Cervantes Custom 1of1 Ebony

Ricco Cervantes Custom 1of1 Ebony

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Ricco Cervantes Custom 1of1 Ebony

Joint: 5/16x18, Oberteil 2x 12.5/11.0 mit 29inch, Zustand: Gebraucht

Ricco Cervantes Custom

Material: Ebony Forearm und Butt. Points mit 4 Perlmutt. Silber-Perlmutt Zierringen.
Schwarzes Leder Griffband
DOS Pesos 1945 Goldmünzen Inlay 2 Stück im Butt

Joint-Gewindetyp: 5/16x18
Joint collar: Steel
Tip Durchmesser: 12,5mm (sehr gut) / 11.0 (schlechter Zustand)
Länge: 58"
Oberteil Holz: AA+
Canadian Hardrock Maple und Ebony, Perlmutt, Silberringe, Goldmünzen

Gewicht/Weight: 19,0oz.

Made in 1991, mit Gebrauchsspuren

Maker of pool cues from 1967 to 1995, primarily in Tampa, Florida, currently in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
Rigoberto "Ricco" Cervantes immigrated to the United States from Mexico at the age of eighteen. His interest in billiards led to a job at National Tournament Cues in Chicago. He was introduced to cuemaking by Richard Helmstetter. Ricco worked with other cuemakers, such as Wayne Gunn and Craig Peterson, who have had an influence on his work. He worked at making cues from 1967 to 1969, and then moved to Macon, Georgia and continued to work for National until 1971. From 1971 to 1973, he worked for Gandy Billiards.
Ricco eventually returned to Chicago to continue his original tool and die career. From 1973 to 1984 he made cues part time out of his home. After a five-year return to his home country, Mexico, he moved to Tampa in 1989, where he worked full time making cues for Robertson Billiards until 1993. Ricco then made cues part time in a small wood shop behind Baker´s Billiards (the oldest pool hall in Florida) in Tampa, until his retirement in 1995.
In 2002, Ricco spent one year living in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, teaching his son, Marco Cervantes, how to make cues. Marco continues the family tradition to this day. Ricco has returned to Mexico.
Ricco made more than 100 cues per year, entirely by hand, in his one man-shop in Tampa, Florida. Ivory points, precious metals and stones, and rare coins were commonly featured on high end Ricco cues. 

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